Numbers make people want to compare - some of us have our ego boosted just because we have "better' numbers.
Need examples? Check this out:
What much salary increment did you get last year compared to the year before?
How much did you spent on your Prada bag that makes eyes turn when you walk down the street?
You created a post on Facebook and how many shares or likes did you get?
Numbers can be deceiving
Most of us look at numbers and made our judgements based on them. Some of these numbers affect our states of emotion, our motivations and so on. But are we looking at the right numbers to help improve ourselves?
You are feeling sore throughout the year because you got 1% lesser increment compared to last year and the year before. But did you know or check out how much losses the company has incurred over the last year - and how many staff have been laid off?
Do you still feel sore had you knew these numbers?
Numbers do not ALWAYS represent the real state of life
Numbers alone does not mean anything until they are being looked at from a different and more holistic perspective.
Someone who made 1 million dollars a year may not have time for his personal health, families and friends. You are envious of the income he made but did not know the sacrifice that have been made.
A stay-at-home mum quit her high salary job to look after the school-going kiddos at home. To most people it is a negative figure in terms of household income but if you care to look from a different perspective, you may appreciate the fact the kiddos are well taken care of, both academic and physical well-being.
Look at the Right Numbers
It took me many years to learn to look at the right numbers. Someone who have better income than you may not be necessarily a happier person. He or she may have huge mortgage burden, big family of 8 to support and so on.
Instead of looking at numbers from a superficial level, why not try look at them from a self improvement standpoint?
Marathon runners have to constantly look at their timing, body weight, heart beats etc to optimize their chance of winning the race.
Top students who look at the right numbers know how many hours they need to set aside each day for revision and they are the one who breeze through exams after exams...
These people are looking at the right numbers. Are you?