Five long months have gone by, isn't it fast?
Not sure if you realize, the older we get, the faster time seems to fly by, why? Shouldn't it be slower?
The only explanation I can think of is that as we get older, we have more and more responsibilities added onto us.
Go think about it, how many things in life were you responsible for when you are a kid, a teenager?
Majority of Kids/Teenagers:
- Eat
- Sleep
- Study for exams
- School Projects
- Do dreadful homework
- Watch TV shows/movies
- Hang out with friends (Girlfriend/Boyfriend?)
- A little bit of household chores from time to time
So what happen after you are done with the above, it is likely that you have lots and lots of time left...feeling idling around, surfing Internet, playing mobile games, watching aimless TV shows etc...time seems to be so so so ss..l.....o........w..........
And as we get older and have more life challenges and responsibilities, below is a short glimpses of what we have on average:
- Family Time - spending time + taking care of old folks at home
- Parenting Time - spending time with kids (academic study/play time etc)
- Career advancements - how many long time have you slogged this year?
- Academic upgrade - night classes, oversea degrees etc
- Jobs - 40 - 100 hours weeks working for someone or managing your own businesses
- Marriage - tons of planning and preparations
- Spouse Time
- Household chores which seem never-ending...
- Catching up TV shows after long day at work
- Social life - spending time with friends/spouse
- Religious commitments
And what's left is the little bit of time whining about how fast time have flew by...:)