
Saturday, March 26, 2016

These 10 Food Blogs Show You Where to Eat in Singapore

As a fellow Singaporean foodie, I really cannot afford NOT to read up food blogs to update myself on new places to eat yummy-licious food. I read and check out new posts from them out at least once a week and hence my hubby and I have never run out of idea on where to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner over weekends. :)

Below is a list of food blogs which I feel are quite worth their salt when it comes to introducing top rated food and desserts and if you are a senior foodie like me, I am sure you will want to bookmark them for future reference too.

1. iEatiShootPost

2. LadyIronChef

3. SethLui

4. iEatandEat

5. MissTamChiak

6. RubbisheatRubbishGrow

7. ChubbyHubby

8. Gninethree

9. DanielFoodDiary

10. SgFoodonFoot

The blogs listed above are in no particular orders and I may update the above list of food blogs as I come across new ones and if you are a food blogger, do send me your site and I will be sure to check it out and will list it here. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Weekend Visit to Singapore Arts Muesum

It has been a few years since our last visit to Singapore Arts Muesum. If I remember correctly, our kiddo was only about 4 years old when he first visited the place. When I asked him about it that day, he has totally no recollection of it whatsoever. :(

A simple Google search for Singapore Arts Muesum brings up the above

Anyway, you are a foreigner or tourist, please note that you will have to pay an admission fee. See below for the amount to be paid. As Singaporean, we went in for free after showing the counter our identity cards.

SAM is very accessible by public transportation and below is a screenshot of the location and some related information.

Below are some pictures that we took that day. Before you plan your trip there, it may be better to check out the latest exhibition they have there and see if they are of interest to you.

Yeah, the last picture was kinda of scary, isn't it? Our kiddo was absolutely frightened by the images, lighting and sound effects. It was from a special gallery located at the 1st floor. Most people would have missed it if they do not really explore. :)

Although it was a short 2 hours visit, our kiddo did enjoy himself and asked lot of questions regarding the artworks and exhibits. I am pretty sure he will be one of the tour guides if his school does organize such a trip. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

How I Lost 8kg in 5 Easy Ways

YES! I just found out I have lost close to 8kg over the last 2 months.

What did I do? Well, as part of the 2016 new year resolutions, I decided to lose some excess weight (all thanks to being a couch potato during Nov/Dec last year) and so I decided to follow some advice given to me by a close friend.

Not sure about you but losing 8kg to me is a pretty big deal. After following these daily and weekly regimes over the past 8 weeks, I have come to realize that losing weight is really NOT that difficult. The real killers (the real difficult parts) are NOT having the willpower and consistency to follow through the entire 8 weeks daily routines.

Ok, without much ado, read on to find out my 5 tested and proven weigh loss formulas. :))

Main Ingredients: Strong determination + Consistency

1. No More Sugary Beverages and Junk Food

Yes, I know. This is a biggie for most people, myself included. I love soft drinks and I must have junk food at least 3 times a week when I watch my favorite TV shows in the evening. So it was a pretty tough challenge for me initially. Anyhow, I was super determined to give it a shot and after the 2nd week, my craving for them became weaker as I pressed on...

And, I have been drinking Oolong tea and mineral water for the most part in between meals and I also told my hubby to stop buying me junk food.

Truly a case of -> See No Evil, Eat No Evil. :)

2. No Eating After 7pm

When I first heard of it from my friend, I told her it is quite tough for me as I usually reach home at around 630pm. Anyway, since I was suppose to eat light dinner ( more on this below), I manage to finish up my dinner before 7pm (most of the time) by not bathing first.

This little tweak in lifestyle really make a big difference. I now bathed at around 830pm and have ample time to pack my things + ironing for the next day while catching some of my favorite TV shows at the same time.

p/s: a total cut off from junk food (while watching TV shows) was really tough for me but I persisted through. :P

3. Sleep More

I have always had the impression that by sleeping less, our body has the chance to work more and burn more calories. Well, it turned out that I was wrong. By giving our body its needful rest, it will become more efficient at digesting our food in the stomach while burning away some unwanted calories.

I have been clocking about 7 to 7.5 hours of sleep every night and yes, I could feel its positive effect on me within a day or two. These days, I feel much more refresh in the morning and my mood seems to be better too.

4. Big Breakfast + Medium Size Lunch + Light Weight Dinner

Not sure about you, I almost gave up on this after the first two days. It was pretty tough for someone who was so used to having medium sized dinner (plus junk food after that).

My tummy finally gave up grumbling after 6 days of making so much noise in the late evening. The craving for junk food was really intense. I do eat some fruits at times when the hunger became unbearable.

5. Slow down, Chew More

Although I am not really a fast eater, I do not really chew my food well prior to swallowing them. During the first three days, I had to constantly remind myself to chew more in between meals and fortunately by the 4th days, I found myself chewing more and eating a little slower than usual. Chewing the food into smaller chunks allow the stomach to digest it more efficiently and hence no excess storage around the waistline.

If you are a fast eater, I believe you will witness better results...:P

Well, that's it. Effective or not, it is up to individuals. Having the right amount of determination and consistency are the essential part of these 5 formulas. So if you have these 2 main ingredients with you, I am pretty sure you will be able to achieve at least a 5kg weight loss.

Try it and let me know how it worked out for you by commenting below, ya? :))