
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Intro Part 1 - Who am I?

Since you are reading this post, it is pretty obvious you are itching to know more about me, ya? :)

My name is Iris and I love being who I really am. Am I egoistic? Certainly not but I truly enjoy being in the native 'characteristic' state in which I am born with, hence the blog Irisibility. 

I am a typical working mum who loves traveling and stalking the latest social media updates from friends and family members. Weekends are usually spent going for retail therapy with friends and/or family members across urban malls or catching up missed TV shows with hubby and kiddo. And if I am in the right mood, I would occasionally whip up a few dishes for the family. I would also be posting yummy-licious pictures of my cooking across future posts.

In case you are wondering, the purpose of this blog serves as a form of diary for me to pen down daily happenings, holidays, personal thoughts, places to visit, social trends and most importantly I have always wanted a platform for me to share useful healthy and life tips that I pick up along the way.

If you care to get in touch with me, leave a comment and I will certainly get back to you as soon as I can. If you would like to get notified whenever I release a new post, be sure to add your email to the "Follow by Email" box on the right sidebar.

p/s: Every 1st week of the month, a sequence to this Intro post will be posted. i.e. 1st week of March 2016, I will releasing part II of this Intro post. I will be revealing more about myself, my life and what I have been up to through the months or years to come. If you are keen to follow along, be sure to bookmark this blog and check for new updates every few days. :D

Truly living,

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