
Saturday, March 26, 2016

These 10 Food Blogs Show You Where to Eat in Singapore

As a fellow Singaporean foodie, I really cannot afford NOT to read up food blogs to update myself on new places to eat yummy-licious food. I read and check out new posts from them out at least once a week and hence my hubby and I have never run out of idea on where to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner over weekends. :)

Below is a list of food blogs which I feel are quite worth their salt when it comes to introducing top rated food and desserts and if you are a senior foodie like me, I am sure you will want to bookmark them for future reference too.

1. iEatiShootPost

2. LadyIronChef

3. SethLui

4. iEatandEat

5. MissTamChiak

6. RubbisheatRubbishGrow

7. ChubbyHubby

8. Gninethree

9. DanielFoodDiary

10. SgFoodonFoot

The blogs listed above are in no particular orders and I may update the above list of food blogs as I come across new ones and if you are a food blogger, do send me your site and I will be sure to check it out and will list it here. :)

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