
Monday, February 22, 2016

Weekend Family Cycling at East Coast Park

It has been a while since we last brought our kiddo to East Coast Park for cycling. Despite the thunderstorm warning from various weather forecast websites, hubby and I decided to go ahead with the cycling event which our kiddo has been longing for.

Well, it turned out that we were quite lucky. The weather at East Coast Park was a little cloudy and windy at most when we reached there and it didn't rain until when we were on our way to Bedok Mall for dinner.

Ever since our kiddo 'mastered' his riding of bicycle last December, he has been wanting to ride a bigger bike plus longer distance. Although he was a little uncertain when he first mounted himself onto the bigger rental bike, he did overcome his fear and has managed to balance well throughout the entire two hours ride.

Did you know that these days, they even have first aid kiosks standing by to provide immediate medical aid to those who needs it? Thumbs up for that!!

As we were all super hungry by the time we reached Bedok Mall, we decided to have our dinner first before making our way home. Although I can already foresee both my legs are going to suffer tremendous muscle ache tomorrow morning, it is definitely worth it when I see how happy and contented our kiddo was on our way home. :D

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