
Friday, March 18, 2016

My Personal Travel Essentials Checklist

Like I mentioned in my earlier post regarding how I organize my life, I have a few online or mobile apps that handle tons of stuff for me. Inside my Todoist app, I have a travel checklist that I can print out whenever I do luggage packing.

Below is a basic essential checklist for me whenever I go for oversea trips. Do you have one too?

What to Prepare

1. VISA -

This site has a list of nationals of countries that have "Reciprocal Visa Exemption Arrangements" with Japan. Be sure to check and apply for VISA before booking your air tickets.You may also want to check out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for Japan too.

2. Passport 

Needless to say, always check to make sure your passport is not close to its expiration date (renew it if it is less than 6 months from expiry date) or you may get into trouble in certain countries.

3. Medications

I have a travel medication bag which I never fail to bring along whenever I am oversea. Medications for headaches, fever, diarrhea, gastric etc are must-bring-along medications for me.

4. Winter/Summer Clothing

Although you can always buy them aboard, it is often better to buy it local or bring it along if you already have them at home.

5. International Chargers 

Invest in a few international chargers will provide a smooth "juicing" time for all your devices.

6. Foreign Currency 

Be sure to change them in your local country as the rate is often lower when you are at the hotel or bank.

7. Time zone difference

Make sure to tune your watch to the correct time zone.

8. Battery Powerbanks

It's a torture to run into low-battery situation when you needed the devices most.

9. USB Thumb drives

Off load the photos/videos from your camera or camera phone.

10. International Calling Cards

Just in case your mobile get stolen or lost.

The above 10 items are my travel essentials. What are yours? Do you have a checklist too?

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