
Monday, April 11, 2016

Oops...I Did Not See That Coming

Often time, we get too caught up with our pursue for self satisfaction and happiness that we do not foresee or consider the impacts of the decisions we made.

Are You Thinking of Quitting Your Job?

Quitting your job is often the most easy and satisfying part. You get to boost your ego and self-esteem after throwing the resignation at the face of your asshole boss.

Then what's next?

What follows may cause you to quiver in fear if you are not prepared for the decision/action you do today.

You may have a 2 to 3 months of exact savings to tide you over the next few months.

Most people save JUST enough to cover expenses for 3 meals, insurance, rent, commute, phone and utility bills. Probably Internet bill too.

Sound good and well prepared?

Not really.

What about things like:

  • medical expenses - if machines can break down once in a while, so can we. If you have young kiddos at home, then all the more you should prepare for this.
  • necessities - groceries, toiletries, cosmetics (vain-pots only) and so on...
  • unexpected expenses - landlord may decided to increase the rental starting next month, that air-conditioner in the bedroom may decided to breakdown during summer time...
  • recreational expenses - most of us have social life. See what happens when your best friend's birthday is around the corner, gifts for niece's full month celebration, seasonal events like Xmas...
  • Unexpected turn of events - Oh are unable to get a job for months and your savings are starting to dry up.

Start Tracking Monthly Expenses

Only by tracking your daily expenses will you be able to know exactly how much you will need to tide you over the unemployment period. Never try to convince yourself that you can live like an hermit after you quit your job.

Are you sure you can stay in-door every single day and will not think of meeting up with friends, shopping and so on? Stop kidding yourself - unexpected expenses like medical bills will not crop up...

Once you have a saving of at least 3 month that reflects your current expenses, you may be ready to choose an auspicious day to fire that boss of yours.

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