
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Do you Deserve it?

I am sure you have often hear people complain about not getting that long-awaited promotion, salary raise, enlistment into prestigious colleges and the list goes on...

Except for the very scarce minorities, most of us are not born rich or have special talents, innate superhuman memories, physical abilities and so on...

So for the rest of us, we have to 'work hard' for what we want in life, don't we?

Want that promotion to be departmental head in your company? Yes? Then make sure you deserve it.

Did you do that extra bit of networking with the senior management whenever possible? Did you take up that extra course on leadership and management? Did you pick up challenges that your peers would not even dream of doing? Did you practice an extra hour for that forthcoming product presentation that will potentially move the company's profit margin northwards? If your answers are YES to the above, then you most likely will deserve that promotion when opportunity arises.

Jealous and envious of that new female colleague who has such slim and slender figure? Well, you deserve to have it too, if you care to exercise more, eat wisely and in moderate proportions and so on...

For the most part, life is fair - in my opinion. I recently lost 8 kg and yes, I do deserve it. Read about it here if you are not sure what I am talking about. :)

So the next time you think life is unfair, think again. Have you done enough to deserve what you want in life?

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